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See from your enlightened vision at the center frame, the Holy Trinity, from left to right: Jesus, the Blessed Mother as Queen of Heaven and the Main Vessel of the Holy Spirit, God the Father (the invisible God but in images of truth from the 'word,' Christ is One in His Spirit), and the holy ones, also as vessels of the Holy Spirit, where we may feel our oneness of our spirit with the Spirit of God, with the cherubim and the seraphim there in God's Kingdom to uplift our faith in Jesus, as the 'word' of God, for "with God all things are possible" (as in Matthew 19:26). Jesus the 'Christ,' our loving Savior, Redeemer and true Messiah, "with Him alone," as the 'word' of God, we are saved. "Let's KJOH, Keep Jesus in our hearts, forever," here to proclaim the truth in His gospel as 'Minister of The Word,' (facebook page, 'like it,' as we may live in the oneness of our spirit, to spread the 'word,'). |
These messages have been passed on to me by the Holy Spirit as a humble instrument of God's love for us all.
As we pray fervently the Holy Rosary, in the forgiveness of sins, and in the intercession of the Blessed Mother, the apostles, the saints and the holy ones, in our fellowship with them who lived forever with The Lord, hear us, O Lord, as you, the reader, pray alongside with me, for the Holy Spirit has drawn you to be part of this great message from the Spirit of God:
"Thank you, O Holy Spirit, with Your divine presence in my humbled heart, You have come to fill my heart and soul with Your love. mercy and grace that I may feel our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in Your guiding presence.
And that I may feel Your heavenly Kingdom from within my heart, where my love for You and my love of others brings so much peace and joy in my inner being, connecting us to Your greatest commandment in the love of God with all our strength and the love of others, in truth of your gospel.
May You bring us closer to You as a united family of believers, for we know, You have come to live with us, as we open our hearts to You, sinners we all are, living in this temporal flesh that will turn to 'nothing' when we face mortal death, and in the gift of 'divine logic,' with Your grace coming from the heavens, may we know and realize, from deep within our being, we cannot obtain anything, nothing material, when we die, just as when we where born, we came out to this world with 'nothing' (as in 1 Timothy 6:1-7).
May Your 'divine wisdom' guide us now as we pray with our contrite hearts, asking forgiveness of our sins from our material pride, that has hurt our loved ones, all dear to us, and our neighbors, that in their love we connect with You to being fruitful, yet, in their hatred and arrogance, may Your gifts from Your Holy Spirit guide us to be loving, forgiving and enlightening to the fruits of truth in Your gospel, lifting each other up like holy angels abiding by Your 'word' of wisdom, and obeying Your greatest commandment of 'love,' the greater 'law' that You have blessed each one of us with, the faithful, that we may prosper in our lifetime.
It is by Your 'love' You have come to create us, that by Your light, the 'love' that You bestowed on us and instill in our innermost being, may continue to guide us, 'made in Your image and likeness,' may we see fruits of oneness in Your Spirit, as we live with our family and our neighbors, wherever we may be, in the many events, there always, to 'test our faith.'
And may Your holy angels and holy ones be there to protect us from harm, as they guide us to Your truth, to be a living witness to Your greatness, and may Your ever 'active and living 'word'' bind us against evil and sin, that by carrying Your holy cross, our souls may not suffer as much, for by Your grace, we see You, dear Lord, carrying this heavy burden to be as light as You have allowed us to carry, alongside with the many virtues You have bestowed on us, may all these gifts be part of our daily lives, by Your light, darkness is 'not to fear,' as it comes consumed in the perfection of our deep faith and love for You, O Lord Jesus.
May we chose to live and remain in You and with You, to believe and trust in You, with faith that shall see no bounds for us to doubt, with You as our Good Shepherd, we are made complete.
May we chose to live and remain in You and with You, to believe and trust in You, with faith that shall see no bounds for us to doubt, with You as our Good Shepherd, we are made complete.
Any obstacle that may come our way, be it a stepping stone to lead others, the poor, the sick and the astray, to Your heavenly Kingdom, that more souls may be saved from slavery to sin, and more souls may rejoice with You by Your light and wisdom, by the power of Your 'word,' deliver us, O Lord, from death in sin to Your light, in 'life and love.'
We know You love us all, O Lord, but the imperfection of this life may bring us back to sin. While we may sin, may Your light, love and mercy come upon us to stay strong in our spirit, to parry the alien, the devil, the tempter, who may come to lure us once again to his many deceptions.
Forgive us O Lord, may Your loving grace and mercy hone us, by Your blood that cleanses us, to abide by Your 'word' and to do Your 'will.'
Forgive us O Lord, may Your loving grace and mercy hone us, by Your blood that cleanses us, to abide by Your 'word' and to do Your 'will.'
With You, Lord God, help us grow our spirit, that the minds of our enlightened souls may see us freed from sins of vanity, lust, selfishness, envy, jealousy and disobedience, and sins of omission, as You align our 'free will' be guided to the path to You heavenly Kingdom, in obedience, "Thy Will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven."
May abundant blessings come to our family or household, and in our church or community of faith, in spirit and in truth, as we seek Your righteousness and with You, may we strive to be perfect and holy as You, O Lord.
May abundant blessings come to our family or household, and in our church or community of faith, in spirit and in truth, as we seek Your righteousness and with You, may we strive to be perfect and holy as You, O Lord.
In Your love for us all, having shed for us all Your precious and most sacred blood, may You see us transformed to holiness, as we may shed our blood, tears and resources You have gifted us, as we spread Your gospel in truth of Your 'word,' and by Your blessings, with Your many gifts from Your love, mercy and grace, may You see us guided as 'victors' of faith.
Grant us, O Holy Spirit, Your divine wisdom.
Come to me with my open heart to make me feel Your Spirit through Christ Jesus, our loving Savior.
Make me be one with You, that I may feel Christ's fullness from within my being, for indeed, "God's Kingdom is at hand, in my heart of love where Jesus' 'words' and teaching may fill my innermost being, in my thoughts, heart and soul with acts of good deeds and good works as gifts of grace in miracles of faith from Your Holy Spirit, that from my mouth comes wisdom from Your 'word,' made ready to spread to the whole world truth in Your gospel, that more may be saved from Your consuming light, where darkness has come to divide and destroy families and nations from among the weak in the flesh and spirit.
Let You light shine upon me, O Holy Spirit, let my small candle glow in the dark that others may follow, for it takes one single light to light the many candles to strive to glow in the dark, for with You, O Lord, Your consuming light endures forever, just as Your everlasting 'word,' they live forever in the hearts of the faithful, and with You, O Lord, "all things are possible."
With You in my trust and my faith, I come not to be forsaken but lifted up to the heavens with Your holy angels upon Your greater 'Will.'
From among families, communities and nations, in the whole world let Your light shine, O Lord, where the whole universe has taken its course of orderliness and peace, with the many stars like angels shining upon Your wondrous creation, that Your truth in Your 'word' may shine forever in my heart, with peace and joy as I rejoice with You, in fellowship with Your abiding and obedient angels and the holy ones.
And together, as nations of true believers may see us become One with You, O Holy Spirit, as One with The Father and Jesus as The Son and The Lamb, He who gives light to the 'new creation' where You, as the fullness of the Deity in bodily form, the living Messiah who comes to judge the living and the dead, comes center in our lives.
With Your sovereign authority and dominion over all creation, and may the light in our souls bring us eyes and visions, the new city of Jerusalem, where God's Sacred Temple is, we may see, from a glimpse of the 'new heaven and the new earth' in the Book of Revelation, may You see us ever closer to You, to our path to glory, O Lord and our God.
Grant us Your Spirit of adoption, to the lighted path as we may grow our spirit, drawn by The Father to The Son, that we may all be together among the consecrated to truth in the promise of Your 'word,' made manifest as we live in the truth of our spirit, to glorify The Father through The Son, to become one body, united with God in the Holy Spirit, begotten by The Father through Christ Jesus, The Son, where The Father and The Son are One to be glorified, for "whoever confesses The Son has the Father as well (1 John 2:23)."
As true heirs to You heavenly Kingdom, O Lord, may we live forever with You as Your worthy, 'children of God.'
All these we pray in the mighty and holy name of Jesus, our Lord, Master and Savior, (sign of the cross - as the power of God)... In the name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
For God's Kingdom, the Power and Glory are Yours, now and forever, Amen."
Here are the steps to take, to feel God's Kingdom from within, in our hearts of love, as our Lord Jesus with the Holy Spirit may so allow our enlightened souls, to feel His presence from within our being, to be shared to many, where we may boast not of ourselves, but of Him, the holy and mighty one, in Christ Jesus, He who possesses the Spirit of God in the 'Word,' as the power in us:
First, pray to the Holy Spirit,one with above, and open your heart to God, in our humility to The Lord comes righteousness in us, and be baptized in the 'universal faith,' as true believers of Christ in the Catholic Apostolic Christian church, where Jesus is the cornerstone, where The Father is now drawing you near as you may read this post till the end of the page, from where true miracles of our faith in Christ Jesus happen.
In every way, as we may possess God's Kingdom with Jesus in our hearts, may we boast of The Lord, for everything comes from Him as gifts and blessings, there in us, 'to test our faith.' That in every good thing we may do, may we do it in the glory of The Lord who created us, and in the glory of The Lamb who died for us on the cross to save us from sin.
That by the grace of God, we too have died with Him in true baptism, buried with Him alive, that we may arise with Him, at an opportune time, where 'time and space' He has control, in His perfection He leads us to His divine wisdom, that we may be perfected with Him guiding us to His righteousness, where 'true faith,'by His light, may He guide us to His everlasting 'truth' in His everlasting 'word.'
That by the grace of God, we too have died with Him in true baptism, buried with Him alive, that we may arise with Him, at an opportune time, where 'time and space' He has control, in His perfection He leads us to His divine wisdom, that we may be perfected with Him guiding us to His righteousness, where 'true faith,'by His light, may He guide us to His everlasting 'truth' in His everlasting 'word.'
Spreading the good news to His lighted path, will we not feel worthy of His teaching? Will not His 'word' guide us to His light?
As true disciples we may become, one body with the Holy Spirit, united with The Father and The Son as One Spirit with God in the Holy and Blessed Trinity, the Three in One God.
We all come together in the victory of our 'true faith,' with the Spirit of God, water in baptism and the blood of The Lamb (in 1 John 5:8 'the three elements of faith to victory as we conquer the world'), all in one accord, that purifies our sinful souls as we mourn and repent of our sins to be perfected in Him by the power of the Holy Eucharist to arise with Him in the conquest of all evil and darkness in this world, where in His heavenly Kingdom, with all His worthy, chosen and consecrated children,
we may all rejoice with Him, He who purifies us and has perfected us, as we live in the flesh, and by His grace, with the power of the Holy Eucharist, we continue to remain in Him, that we may live forever, "where in His Kingdom there would be no end."
Second, surrender our sins of pride including sins of omission, the tempter of a multitude of sins is leading us to the 'idolatry of the souls,' a deadly sin without us realizing it, Satan veers us away from the light, as darkness looms.
The truth in the sins of Adam and Eve in taking of the forbidden fruit lives on as we prosper our 'ego,' where selfishness and greed belongs.
We need to repent of all our sins that in Christ's righteousness, we become one with Him as we may see total cleansing from all our sinfulness, that we may see us freed from our slavery to sin, and to strive to be holy and righteous as God is holy and righteous. This is how we may see true and lasting happiness and peace from within and around us, Christ as our Good Shepherd, trusting in Him in the strength of our spirit and of our faith, we are made complete.
With Him we shall not want anything in the flesh to fill us with imperfection, rather, to fill us with love and God's mercy. for as we have lived by His grace, blessing may come from The Lord Most High to us and our household.
Third, be freed from darkness with the 'light of truth' in Christ Jesus, with His mighty 'word' and teaching, in obedience of God's commandments, that we may be called His disciple to 'spread the good news' on what binding truth there is in the gospel.
In the lighted path may we grow our spirit aligned to the Spirit of God. He is the 'truth the way and the life,' He is the ever shining light that exposes corruption from our sinful souls and minds, deceit and deception in darkness where no evil may hide, all darkness exposed by the light of truth made manifest by the 'word' of The Lamb, the Holy Spirit and the vessels of truth in the holy ones, as living witnesses of God's love and miracles of faith, that we too may live in the glory of God as witnesses of His truth and miracles, that by His light the many eyes of our souls may see His signs of love, life and truth from within and around us, where in every event in our lives, He comes to test our faith.
Where is then the truth in us, is it not in our spirit that connects to the Spirit of God?
The Holy Spirit has shared me His light, as His anointed 'minister of the 'word.'' I am here to enlighten, not to judge, for the true Judge of the world is Jesus our Savior and Messiah, He is the 'living God' who 'judges the living and the dead.'
I am here to guide you to His light, that in the forgiveness of sins, darkness may not rule your body with your hearts and souls, with His light in His precious blood may cleansed us of all our sins and be one with Him, again, as 'we remain in Him in the truth in His guiding 'word.''
The Holy Spirit is there to guide us, as our light from within us, opening our hearts to God through Jesus comes His truth in His way to guide us through all challenges in life.
He is everywhere in all of creation and rules all of creation as "the fullness of the Deity in bodily form," He being One with the Spirit of The Father, the Almighty One, the unseen God, with Him is the One who sits at the throne as God's heavenly Kingdom, He as The Lamb who gives light to God's Kingdom, He who is God 'incarnate' conceived of virgin birth by The Holy Spirit through the Blessed Virgin Mother who is the Mother of all, She who possesses the Spirit of Wisdom that we all may be guided by the 'Word' of God in Jesus, to save us and cleansed us from sin in evil and darkness, to be one with Him He who created us, and The Lamb who saved us us from sin, as One true God, One in union as One body with The Holy Spirit, One Spirit of God as the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, the true ruler with dominion of the universe and the world in all of creation, seen and unseen.
Jesus being the 'Word' of God, it is the 'Word' that judges, He who rewards or condemns us of our actions, in deeds and thoughts, that we may be humbled before God, and see 'truth' from within us, our 'spirit of truth' that aligns with Jesus, the 'Word,' the 'Light,' the 'Truth' and the 'Way' to everlasting life.
In our 'hearts of love,' comes the Holy Spirit's forgiveness of our sins, to deliver us from evil in darkness, as we remain in Him, in Christ's Jesus, by His light comes the 'bread of life,' His body and blood we may partake, to give us eternal life.
The Holy Spirit has shared me His light, as His anointed 'minister of the 'word.'' I am here to enlighten, not to judge, for the true Judge of the world is Jesus our Savior and Messiah, He is the 'living God' who 'judges the living and the dead.'
I am here to guide you to His light, that in the forgiveness of sins, darkness may not rule your body with your hearts and souls, with His light in His precious blood may cleansed us of all our sins and be one with Him, again, as 'we remain in Him in the truth in His guiding 'word.''
The Holy Spirit is there to guide us, as our light from within us, opening our hearts to God through Jesus comes His truth in His way to guide us through all challenges in life.
He is everywhere in all of creation and rules all of creation as "the fullness of the Deity in bodily form," He being One with the Spirit of The Father, the Almighty One, the unseen God, with Him is the One who sits at the throne as God's heavenly Kingdom, He as The Lamb who gives light to God's Kingdom, He who is God 'incarnate' conceived of virgin birth by The Holy Spirit through the Blessed Virgin Mother who is the Mother of all, She who possesses the Spirit of Wisdom that we all may be guided by the 'Word' of God in Jesus, to save us and cleansed us from sin in evil and darkness, to be one with Him He who created us, and The Lamb who saved us us from sin, as One true God, One in union as One body with The Holy Spirit, One Spirit of God as the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, the true ruler with dominion of the universe and the world in all of creation, seen and unseen.
Jesus being the 'Word' of God, it is the 'Word' that judges, He who rewards or condemns us of our actions, in deeds and thoughts, that we may be humbled before God, and see 'truth' from within us, our 'spirit of truth' that aligns with Jesus, the 'Word,' the 'Light,' the 'Truth' and the 'Way' to everlasting life.
In our 'hearts of love,' comes the Holy Spirit's forgiveness of our sins, to deliver us from evil in darkness, as we remain in Him, in Christ's Jesus, by His light comes the 'bread of life,' His body and blood we may partake, to give us eternal life.
In Genesis 1:27, made and created are we in 'the image and likeness of God,' to that same form, in spirit and body, may we remain in obedience to Him, our One true God, He who has loved us so.
From the beginning, knowing the truth of our creation and the lures of the serpent, we may know the truth in our being with Jesus in us, that may come anointed by The Holy Spirit to obey and do God's will, as in 1 John 2:24-27, where the gospel of John leads us to "Life from God's anointing."
Evil ways of the serpent is not of us, it is our conscience in The Holy Spirit to guide us to Jesus, as the Blessed Mother, all the Apostles and the holy ones come united as one body of the Holy Spirit of God to have condemned all evil in the flesh, that with Christ in the possession of His Spirit and His 'word,' the 'word' that comes out from our mouth are words of 'love and light' that lifts us up to God, through angels and holy ones to see us strong in our spirit and our faith, and free us from slavery to sin and darkness.
From the beginning, knowing the truth of our creation and the lures of the serpent, we may know the truth in our being with Jesus in us, that may come anointed by The Holy Spirit to obey and do God's will, as in 1 John 2:24-27, where the gospel of John leads us to "Life from God's anointing."
Evil ways of the serpent is not of us, it is our conscience in The Holy Spirit to guide us to Jesus, as the Blessed Mother, all the Apostles and the holy ones come united as one body of the Holy Spirit of God to have condemned all evil in the flesh, that with Christ in the possession of His Spirit and His 'word,' the 'word' that comes out from our mouth are words of 'love and light' that lifts us up to God, through angels and holy ones to see us strong in our spirit and our faith, and free us from slavery to sin and darkness.
Clean and sinless as we were born, clean and sinless we may see us, without shame, may we come happy and eager to witness God's loving embrace, in unity with the Holy Spirit and His vessels of truth in the holy ones.
In Judas' repentance and 'true faith,' the essence of the breaking of the bread knocking him out to consciousness, having realized how meaningless and imperfect worldly lust, fame, wealth can be, as against true and everlasting love and mercy that lasts forever made manifest by his Lord, Teacher and Master, our Lord and Savior freed him from the fires of hell.
In Revelation 21:14, the many courses of stones in the walls of the city as its foundation, the twelve names of the apostles of The Lamb where there, all present, because of their faithfulness.
As we repent of all our sins, righteousness come upon us for, in Jesus' word, "I desire mercy not sacrifice," in Matthew 12:6.
Sacrifice in the Sabbath means nothing in truth of our salvation, where God's mercy is not there, where the power of the 'word' is denied and so are the commandments, nothing truthful binds our weak souls in our sins of pride, when our spirit refuse to grow because of our fears, anxieties and insecurity.
But as Jesus said, in Mark 2:27-28, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. That is why the Son of Man is lord even on the sabbath."
Jesus has come to fulfill the 'law,' not to abolish it, that by His divine 'word,' in our faith of Him, His 'word' comes from the mouth of The Father. It remains our 'true faith' in Him by His holy, mighty and living 'word' that we are 'not' bound by the 'law of Moses' or the Torah, or the law of man, man being by nature human comes his 'deeds there to possibly corrupt us of our misguided mind while we live in the flesh, where sins of pride may see us deceived by the devil telling us to rebel upon the 'word' of God, whence, comes our denial of Jesus in His mighty 'word.'
By His 'word,' let the light shine upon us to lead us to true salvation, where by His death and resurrection, our sins are forgiven where faith in His light justifies His 'word' the will never pass away.
By the grace of God the 'word' remains blessed as gifts from above, guarded by angels, it is presented to us in the victory of our faith in God through Christ our Savior, in unity with the Holy Spirit, it remains bounded by God's love for man and His creation.
"The sun and the stars in darkness come shining in the universe to lead us back to truth in His light."
In Matthew 5:20, Jesus said, "I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Jesus is reminding us not to be a hypocrite or be untruthful like the scribes and Pharisees or be corrupted by evils in money in the worship of the false God in Mammon, rather, filter our words and actions with the teaching of Christ and the truth in His everlasting 'word' will set us free, and His love and our love of Him and of others there to guide us to God's heavenly Kingdom.
In Matthew 16:6, Jesus also said, “Look out, and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
"Now, Jesus tells us of false teaching that may lead us to darkness and evil in the corruption of our minds through our selfishness and greed, and to be wary of many deceptions from the evil one, this is when we prosper our 'ego' to satisfy vanity, sins of materialism or ways to false prophesy as we live in the flesh , rather, be truthful to our being with our body as the Temple of The Holy Spirit, to prosper kindness and love in our hearts to guide those who may need enlightenment from the 'word' with right interpretations leading us to Christ's holiness, peace and righteousness.
"Act with prayerful discernment in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to live without any guilt, malice or shame in our hearts for in our ways, may we see us guided with the 'word' onto love, life and truth in the light, as we remain in Christ.
"The 'unleavened bread of the Pharisees and in the Sadducees' are those that will not rise with Him, as against the unleavened bread in the Holy Eucharist, in our faith, we may see it rise from within us being and body when we may feel Christ's fullness in us. His guiding presence envelopes us exhorting us to stay in His light, He who dwells and remains among the consecrated and the faithful as our power to condemn evil in sin."
And when we fail in our faith, let our hearts not be troubled, give 'full trust in The Lord,' our everlasting hope remains in Christ, hope in Him never disappoints, for He knows who we are, our faith and love of Him should never diminish as it comes justified by His light, that we may grow our faith aligned to the truthfulness of our spirit.
As God tests our faith, our souls may suffer when we sin unless we repent. Take responsibility of our actions, and when we repent, repent like David, that God may see the sincerity of our souls, with the courage to swallow our pride, that truthfulness in us God may bless our contrite heart, in His Divine Mercy may see us forgiven, as we strive to sin no more.
Take the path of righteousness that in His heavenly Kingdom we may find our enlightened hearts to remain in His love and to rejoice together in God's glory, for Christ's sake, may we find truth in life and love.
Take the path of righteousness that in His heavenly Kingdom we may find our enlightened hearts to remain in His love and to rejoice together in God's glory, for Christ's sake, may we find truth in life and love.
In the miracles of faith, see truth in the 'word' where healing comes from our 'true faith' in Christ Jesus, our true Savior, in Him is our Divine Healer and our Divine Mercy, and in healing herbs blessed and nourished by God (Reference to Sirach or Ben Sira 38, NAB, on 'Sickness and Death,') with The Lamb in Jesus as the 'tree of life,' - in Genesis 3:22 and 24 with fruits that makes us live forever as the 'Holy Eucharist,' and Revelation 22:2, where leaves are used as medicine to the nations, as the 'word' of God, that aligns with the healing herbs, nourished by God, the 'word' that are forever active and living, they come with angels guarding the living 'word,' where faith in the 'word' heals us in many ways, and where 'agape love,' the highest form of love, adds life -, leading the true faithful to perfect unity in our faith, onto immortal souls we come bounded to eternal life, where Christ's blood comes the 'promise of the new covenant of God' with our great father, Abraham.
The great message of the 'Passover' is done, upon the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus where sin in death brings us back to life that by His sacred blood as ransom, the light of the world has come to save us.
The great message of the 'Passover' is done, upon the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus where sin in death brings us back to life that by His sacred blood as ransom, the light of the world has come to save us.
Jesus is the "light of the world," by His everlasting 'word,' comes His light there to destroy as it consumes darkness in His path.
"The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world"made true by His blood that purifies as it cleanses our sinful souls.
By the uniting power of the Holy Eucharist among all Christian believers comes His body and blood making us one body in God's Holy Spirit, the true believers of His 'word' becomes one true Christian and Apostolic church in fellowship with the Blessed Mother and the holy ones as vessels of truth.
This is the truth in our spirit, our spirit so proclaims in the Apostles Creed, we become living witnesses of Christ's light through our faith.
In the new covenant of God, Christ's body and blood comes the promise, by virtue and faith that remains undoubting, for by His 'word' we become one with Him.
For how can we understand the many miracles of our faith when we doubt our faith.
Many times, we consider these as 'ordinary' and 'regular' events, just as when we see us healed, are these not signs from God through our true Master as Lord of Life and light, He as the 'Author of life,' He who rewards us of our good deeds and He who condemns us of our bad deeds and behavior?
"In due time, in His time, in the truth of our being with our spirit the connects to God's Spirit, soon we may know His living truth inside of us.
These signs from God may soon see us aware of God's presence within us with Jesus in our hearts, we come humbled to open our broken and sinful hearts to Him."
Remember, Jesus said to his disciples and all those listening to Him, in John 14 :26-27:
"The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you."27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
In our faith blessed by God's grace, we may know this eternal truth in our being.
And in the whole chapter of John 14, is the truth of His gospel, that He will be dwelling with us, in the body of all true believers, for "in my Father's house there are many dwelling places (verse 2)," our body is His sacred Temple, His peace is in us, those baptized in truth and they who remain in Him as consecrated by Him with the Father, as in His prayer in John 17, and all those who believes in Him and obey His commandments, remain and abide in His 'words' will have inner peace in themselves because He dwells and remains in us.
And the new commandment in 1 John 2:7-11, that those in the light cannot hate their brothers and sisters, but love them, and pray that they be blessed by the Holy Spirit that they may see the light.
Jesus mentioned three times in His prayer, the word 'consecrated' (verses 17 and 19 in His prayer in John 17), a very revealing word from the Holy Spirit, only in the Catholic Bible (NAB) will you see the original and the true 'word' of God, not in any Protestant bible versions, using 'sanctify,' 'holy,' 'separated from truth,' and the likes, where the true faithful remains consecrated to give glory to The Son and The Father, consecrated in the true essence of the 'word' and the blood of Christ which is the promise of the 'new covenant,' the true essence of 'the breaking of the bread.'
Whereby, in His sacred blood, His divine presence may be felt in the Holy Eucharist, as many may have felt Him, where we come 'consecrated' in truth as we remain in Him, revealing Himself in His promise of His heavenly Kingdom, and eternal life.
Revealing to us when we see us humbled before Him our unity from among true Christian believers are in oneness with His 'universal' church where He remains the only cornerstone, for His heavenly Kingdom we may feel within us in our fellowship with The Holy Spirit, with the vessels of truth that leads us to Him, Christ Jesus our Savior and Redeemer, to lead us to His light, to His flock.
May the light lead all from darkness in their false beliefs in false prophesy, for truth in Christ's 'word' is in 'true faith' of Him who is the greater power from within us, never on imperfect things that bind us to the tempter in the devil, who veers us away from the 'word' of truth, light, love and life.
Anyone who opens his humbled heart to God through Christ Jesus, will know Him, the light of the Holy Spirit will guide him to his path to glory.
"The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world"made true by His blood that purifies as it cleanses our sinful souls.
By the uniting power of the Holy Eucharist among all Christian believers comes His body and blood making us one body in God's Holy Spirit, the true believers of His 'word' becomes one true Christian and Apostolic church in fellowship with the Blessed Mother and the holy ones as vessels of truth.
This is the truth in our spirit, our spirit so proclaims in the Apostles Creed, we become living witnesses of Christ's light through our faith.
In the new covenant of God, Christ's body and blood comes the promise, by virtue and faith that remains undoubting, for by His 'word' we become one with Him.
For how can we understand the many miracles of our faith when we doubt our faith.
Many times, we consider these as 'ordinary' and 'regular' events, just as when we see us healed, are these not signs from God through our true Master as Lord of Life and light, He as the 'Author of life,' He who rewards us of our good deeds and He who condemns us of our bad deeds and behavior?
"In due time, in His time, in the truth of our being with our spirit the connects to God's Spirit, soon we may know His living truth inside of us.
These signs from God may soon see us aware of God's presence within us with Jesus in our hearts, we come humbled to open our broken and sinful hearts to Him."
Remember, Jesus said to his disciples and all those listening to Him, in John 14 :26-27:
"The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you."27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
In our faith blessed by God's grace, we may know this eternal truth in our being.
And in the whole chapter of John 14, is the truth of His gospel, that He will be dwelling with us, in the body of all true believers, for "in my Father's house there are many dwelling places (verse 2)," our body is His sacred Temple, His peace is in us, those baptized in truth and they who remain in Him as consecrated by Him with the Father, as in His prayer in John 17, and all those who believes in Him and obey His commandments, remain and abide in His 'words' will have inner peace in themselves because He dwells and remains in us.
And the new commandment in 1 John 2:7-11, that those in the light cannot hate their brothers and sisters, but love them, and pray that they be blessed by the Holy Spirit that they may see the light.
Jesus mentioned three times in His prayer, the word 'consecrated' (verses 17 and 19 in His prayer in John 17), a very revealing word from the Holy Spirit, only in the Catholic Bible (NAB) will you see the original and the true 'word' of God, not in any Protestant bible versions, using 'sanctify,' 'holy,' 'separated from truth,' and the likes, where the true faithful remains consecrated to give glory to The Son and The Father, consecrated in the true essence of the 'word' and the blood of Christ which is the promise of the 'new covenant,' the true essence of 'the breaking of the bread.'
Whereby, in His sacred blood, His divine presence may be felt in the Holy Eucharist, as many may have felt Him, where we come 'consecrated' in truth as we remain in Him, revealing Himself in His promise of His heavenly Kingdom, and eternal life.
Revealing to us when we see us humbled before Him our unity from among true Christian believers are in oneness with His 'universal' church where He remains the only cornerstone, for His heavenly Kingdom we may feel within us in our fellowship with The Holy Spirit, with the vessels of truth that leads us to Him, Christ Jesus our Savior and Redeemer, to lead us to His light, to His flock.
May the light lead all from darkness in their false beliefs in false prophesy, for truth in Christ's 'word' is in 'true faith' of Him who is the greater power from within us, never on imperfect things that bind us to the tempter in the devil, who veers us away from the 'word' of truth, light, love and life.
Anyone who opens his humbled heart to God through Christ Jesus, will know Him, the light of the Holy Spirit will guide him to his path to glory.
And if by our faith, Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday comes the greater glory of God in our Savior's glorious resurrection as the day of the Sabbath, whence, comes the fulfillment of His 'word' justified by our 'true faith' blessed by God and His grace coming from the heavens, by God's will comes the day of the Sabbath.
The 'Son of Man,' indeed, is 'the lord even on the sabbath,' where man comes healed in many ways through gifts, blessings and grace from God in the Holy Spirit even on the sabbath, therefore, 'sabbath was made for man,' not otherwise.
Our love for God and for our neighbors comes God glorified not only on the sabbath, but every single day of our lives, "whether we eat or drink or whatever we do we are here in this life to glorify God in our love of one another, that in God's mercy, we may likewise have mercy on those who may have offended us, for in our forgiveness, comes our righteousness before God, as victors in our faith acknowledging our very own sinfulness and imperfection.
Is this not the true essence of 'the breaking of the bread,' where in our love and mercy, comes God's love and mercy upon us?
For how can God forgive us if we fail to forgive others, as in Matthew 6:15? Let God judge us, not us, but care to enlighten others who may sin, in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, leading us to the power of the 'word,' the 'word' that acquits and condemns us in our actions and ways of conduct and behavior, as in Matthew 12:37.
As we abide by His 'word,' comes our righteousness and perfection in Him, where His 'word' remains active and alive, with holy angels there to uphold its truthfulness and to protect the faithful where the Holy Spirit remains as our Advocate, to defend us of our faith.
The apostles wondered why their Rabbi in Jesus, speaks to the crowd in parables?
And in Matthew 13:10-17, Jesus further explains:
"Because knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but to them it has not been granted. To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich (in spirit and in truth); for anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away. This is why I speak to them in parables, because,
they look but do not see, and hear but do not listen or understand,
Isaiah's prophecy is fulfilled in them, which says:
You shall indeed hear but not understand, you shall indeed look but never see. Gross is the heart of this people, they will hardly hear with their ears, they have closed their eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts (connects to our spirit to God's'love' and love of others) and be converted and I heal them.
"But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear.
Amen, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and hear what you hear but did not hear it."
When you are chosen, God draws you near to be in The Lamb's lighted path, to be among the consecrated. He knows what is in our hearts. In our repentance of all sins of pride may we see His light through our unfailing faith.
Our faithfulness comes the true essence of our resurrection from mortal death, where our shield of faith parries away evil as we rebuke Satan with The Lord's mighty and holy name, in Jesus the Christ; His teaching and parables lead us to truth in His 'word' and His promise to the humble and the meek as God's chosen, onto eternal life, may we see and hear the wonders and magnificence of the 'word.'
When we see the signs of God in our own misfortunes, in the loss of a loved one, loss of material property or some gifted with worldly wealth, in our illness or recovery, when we are in trauma or healed, in accidents as we may survive or live in pain, in our jobs, business or career in our success or failure, in war and peace, in love and relationships, in our mission to serve Him and others by our love and our faith, in our deep faith in Christ Jesus or self doubts, in seeking eternal life or false beliefs in human traditions and culture, and more events in our life, are these not the tests of God of our faith?
Again, remember, in 'divine logic,' there is nothing material we may obtain when we die.
"With our perishing flesh it is our 'spirit of love' that will guide our souls to eternal life, with Him in Christ, who is the 'resurrection and the life.'"
Do we not care to seek the Kingdom of God and God's righteousness through Christ Jesus, He who lives and reigns forever as true Judge of the living and the dead?
Seek 'true faith' in our hearts of love, and see 'truth' from our inner being, where the flesh may lead us to sin and darkness, where our spirit in our hearts of love lead us to a vibrant and healthy soul, made alive and active in the truthfulness of the 'word.'
See the truth in our spirit and answer the "Why's," why He died for us of our sins?
Is this not because God loves us that with Him we may have eternal life? In Christ's resurrection, do we see confidence in our faith as we abide by His 'word' and remain in Him, that by our mortal death, we may see us resurrect with Him, He who remains in us?
In 1 John 2:18 and 21, Saint John writes to the chosen "many antichrist have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour." "I write to you not because you do not know the truth but because you do, and because every lie is alien to the truth."
Beware of the antichrist, they who misleads the many to deny Christ by denying His 'word' of truth. "Every lie is alien to the truth," meaning, when we see a single lie or many lies against the commandments of God preached by the antichrist and false prophets, and they never repent of these lies, the alien in the devil is in them, where they prosper on things of pride and of evil and greed in their selfishness, where Mammon comes their false master, prospering on the lies of the flesh, bounded by material things in the corruption of their minds.
From deep within our minds with our enlightened souls, if we see the great difference between 'temporal life' and 'eternal life,' that it is better to live in immortality with us living forever with The Lord that with Him we are made complete ... "praise be The Lord our God who dwells in us, as we listen, see and hear His eternal and everlasting 'word' that makes us perfected in Him in the mightiness of His 'word.'"
Our sword is His 'word,' it will stay triumphant over evil and darkness, over curses of sin against the 'law of Moses,' and over all laws of man derived from human wisdom.
By our 'true faith' in Christ Jesus His 'word' supercedes any law, for the 'word' comes from the mouth of God, it comes more powerful than anything imperfect where all things material may change or pass away but God's 'words' are perfected in Christ, as the 'truth' in this life, 'truth' in the world and 'truth' in all of creation.
In Matthew 24:25, Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away."
As in Hebrews 4:12, "Indeed, the 'word' of God is living and effective...," it remains active and alive, able to discern thoughts and reflections of the heart, or reveal the attitudes of the heart.
In the many trials, when lost, our Good Shepherd searches the black sheep, if so we were, once found, our hunger and thirst for His righteousness can be so immense as we may live in His fullness, in His love and mercy, may come upon us by His grace.
In His compassion and mercy for those found, heaven rejoices in our repentance.
Our hearts renewed, His body and blood purifies and cleanses us from all sins, our robes turn white and glowing with rays from Christ's light of mercy we come purified in union with the Holy Spirit, as throngs of angels sing in the heavens in the glory of God.
This is truth in Purgatory, where the faithful may need to be cleansed by the body and blood of Christ with rays of light from His mercy, in temporal life, or onto eternal life.
"Thus, the last shall be first, and the first will be last," as Jesus said in the parable, "Workers in The Vineyard," in Matthew 20:16.
"Jealousy and envy are acts of malice and selfishness in our hearts, where lies in gossips may follow."
Do away with these prideful acts that we may stay pure in heart in the eyes of God, for these acts can cause the soul to suffer sans repentance.
"A tranquil mind gives life to the body, but jealousy rots the bones," as in Proverbs 14:30.
The Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, comes our glory with Him, in our conquest of darkness and worldliness in the world.
"With Him, we see order in the universe."
In this life of darkness, may we become God's instruments of change as we pray that we be His 'chosen ones,' as the elect, here to make a difference in the lives of the poor and the astray.
Open our hearts of love and mercy, therefore, The Holy Spirit may reward us to His fruits of gifts and blessings, with our household, as we may live by His grace.
Trusting in Him, we abide when He says, 'Do not worry,' living in His Spirit comes bountiful blessings and miracles of faith as we uplift the poor, the sick and the astray onto the light of love and life. In our 'trust of Him' who has saved us from slavery to sin, the evil one lies in wait for an error in our ways, when we do worry with stress coming from imperfect and passing things, the flesh may sin, in the absence of self-control as gifts from The Holy Spirit.
Demons after demons run into the fray tempting us to utter blasphemous words that may defile us. Sins of pride may follow leading us to destruction, violence, division and death.
Demons after demons run into the fray tempting us to utter blasphemous words that may defile us. Sins of pride may follow leading us to destruction, violence, division and death.
On the other hand, if we see us happy when people around us are happy, the acceptance of the 'word' comes music to our ears, a beautiful sign, indeed, from The Lord, His gifts of grace is upon us, from among the consecrated and the faithful.
With Judas' betrayal, and Peter's denial, how many times will we become untrue to ourselves before our true senses come to our being in our guilt when we do the same?
Sins remain imperfect as our attitudes may change over time. Gifts of self-control, love, patience and temperance may guide us to be true to ourselves, true to our inner being.
"Silence and inner peace," may work as a beautiful virtue against evil, until the Holy Spirit comes with the angels to minister to the tempter in the desert, or the evil one as serpent in a beautiful garden and scenery, like the 'Garden of Eden.'
With His loving Spirit, in the light of His 'word,' comes our acquittal as against our condemnation in sins of the flesh.
Sins remain imperfect as our attitudes may change over time. Gifts of self-control, love, patience and temperance may guide us to be true to ourselves, true to our inner being.
"Silence and inner peace," may work as a beautiful virtue against evil, until the Holy Spirit comes with the angels to minister to the tempter in the desert, or the evil one as serpent in a beautiful garden and scenery, like the 'Garden of Eden.'
With His loving Spirit, in the light of His 'word,' comes our acquittal as against our condemnation in sins of the flesh.
If Judas came out tortured in pain by his guilt, do we not feel the same in remorse of our many sins of pride?
It is when we deny sins of pride, we have truly denied access of evil to ever tempt us, our selflessness comes to bind darkness consumed by the fire in our hearts to spread what is true from within our spirit.
'No enemies' in our list of 'book of life and love,' where Jesus has said, "love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Heavenly Father," as in Matthew 5:44-45.
With no enemies in sight, as we may duplicate God's 'unconditional love,' 'agape' love, the highest form of love, how can evil win in the victory of our faith?
Joy fills our hearts as we may feel angels singing from within:
"Alleluia to The Lamb, praise and worship is He who is in us who lives and dwells in our Temple."
When we die, truth in 'divine logic' tells us nothing material we may obtain, for all blessings come from God, all there to test us in our faith.
But Judas never feared death, for him, a life long torture he may not bear for the love of his Master and Rabbi, taking his own life comes his payment in full for the love of his friend and Master, all in the fulfillment of the scriptures.
If Peter accepted the pain of being crucified upside down from his sins of denial and lack of faith, again, all these are sins of pride.
With our many sins of pride, do we have the courage to face this shameful death, yet, with Saint Peter, to honor and give glory to God is never shameful at all, it is the victory of our faith to quell the fangs of hell through repentance of our sins.
In the many sacrifices of persecution in their journey of God's perfection in them, the ever faithful apostles, facing death they never did fear, for they have died with Christ and their bravery is made manifest in the 'burning fire' from their souls lighted by the Holy Spirit, all for the love of our Lord, Master, King, in our love for Christ, that they too may see their own redemption, and the redemption of every faithful from among the consecrated, from death to sin, to the light of truth leading to salvation.
If you have seen another Judas become an apostle in the New Testament, book of the 'Acts of the Apostles,' see the truth in your spirit, in His mercy, comes everlasting life, where our spirit aligned with His 'word' comes the light to everlasting life, as we remain in Him.
In our faithfulness and love of Him, all in account of our oneness with Him when we work for food that does not spoil, yes, work for the food 'that lasts for eternal life,' as in John 6:27.
The truth in Christ promise that grace may come upon us to the greater understanding of the Holy Scriptures, God's Revelation be with us in our faithfulness of His 'word,' God in the Holy Spirit may come to guide us.
The Holy Scriptures, if you have noticed, are in parallel to our ongoing life, see the signs of God when we sin, and see the hands of God leading us to His truth, to Christ's light.
The Holy Scriptures, if you have noticed, are in parallel to our ongoing life, see the signs of God when we sin, and see the hands of God leading us to His truth, to Christ's light.
Fourth, rebuke all evil, henceforth, from sins of pride, lust and malice in the mighty and holy name of Jesus, that by His mercy with our everlasting hope in Him, He may deliver us from sin, again, as we repent of all our many sins of pride, so with 'sins of omission,' now and forever surrendered at the foot of His cross.
Freed from all guilt, in Christ Jesus, in 'total freedom,' we have conquered darkness, as we may continue to pray that our spirit may grow, to partake of the Eucharist at every opportunity, as we strive to be holy and righteous as God is holy and righteous.
In God's Heavenly Kingdom from within our hearts of love, nothing accursed, no malice and guilt may bind us in the pureness of our hearts, all these will God 'not allow' in His sacred and holy place, from the twelve gates come the angels guarding each post, where all of darkness remains blocked by God's everlasting light.
Fifth, see the truthful signs of 'the breaking of the bread,' fruits from gifts of technology and science are gifts from God through the Holy Spirit, where groaning from the vessels of truth come the truth in heavenly answers to our prayers.
Approach these gifts as grace from God, as God has said, 'See, I am doing something new,' as in Isaiah 43:19, yes, through man or through nature and creation, new things from the Holy Spirit of God, He has created many things, so with the evolution of man.
The intelligence of man improves over the years, generation after generation, in truthfulness of our spirit, as always,"God's will be done,"and "with God all things are possible," all these gifts in our life are gifts from God through the Holy Spirit, as grace from heaven above in showers of bountiful blessings come upon us in condemnation of sin and darkness, where wickedness will never last as fruits of our spirit may see the light transform the many to truth in the 'word.'
As we remain by His light, and to live by His 'word,' 'divine wisdom' comes before us leading us to better understand life in truth about 'divine logic,' where 'divine science' comes in the miracles of faith, and where His light comes to man that God creates new things through His Spirit, attuned to the love of others, comes the many inventions and innovation in man in the light of creation.
From all these, with many other signs, may we see Jesus revealed in our hearts of love, these are the many miracles of life, where signs from God are revealed in ones 'true faith.'
Remember, we cannot be God, or we sin in the idolatry of our souls, where pride may rule in the weakness of our flesh. But we can be 'with God,' by our faith may we see His light guiding us to His truth, that there is only One true God, as One Spirit in the Holy and Divine Trinity.
Who can question in truth God our Almighty Father, no one, except the 'instruments' of the son of destruction, the devil, who tempts us in sins of the flesh.
With God's Spirit in us, no evil has power on us, for The Lord of the light of truth, in Jesus our mighty Lord and Savior, has come upon us as we remain in Him.
It is in 'the breaking of the bread,' that we may see our oneness with all creation and our oneness with God, to lift each other up in our love of one another and in our love of Jesus who is the light of life in us.
Putting Him center of our life makes us one with the Holy Trinity where our 'true faith' comes the power in our spirit that can overcome evil through sins of the flesh.
Realizing this eternal truth we see the importance of 'selflessness' as truth in our being, as against 'selfishness' where evil comes to rule us in our 'ego.'
The more we prosper our 'ego' the more we may sin for truth is not in us where love of God and love of others is denied, whence, 'survival of the fittest' may come to rule meaningless philosophies is life, where things imperfect comes us bind us onto darkness.
Knowing that Jesus died for us to save us from sin, we remain clean when born, clean of sins. He having loved us in many gifts and blessings we may have in this life, what goodness can we share back to Him, is it not sharing His kindness and goodness with our family and neighbors?
In the true essence of 'the breaking of the bread,' may we see our connection with one another in our love of our neighbors to start with our love for our family, the keeping us united comes our unity with all our neighbors and all of creation, where we all connect with one another to be one in our love for God through Christ that by His teaching we see us arise with Him in the truthfulness of our being seeing through greater peace and happiness in this world in our true 'selfless' and 'unconditional love' with all others.
Will this practice not see our oneness with Jesus as 'the truth in this life,' and our oneness in our being by being true to ourselves where the Holy Spirit comes the power in our faith that remains true what binds us to Him and eternal life?
If 'ego' in our pride binds us to sin where the alien in us may rule, whence, comes us to suffer our souls as darkness dominates us, why not possess God's heavenly Kingdom in our hearts of love, that inner peace and inner joy in our hearts may come inner peace and joy in others as we come to duplicate the power of
God's goodness in us for we have the love of Jesus that keeps us connected with others and creation, to bind us in the oneness of our love with Jesus' in us?
Will we not see greater happiness in the world when we see the wealthy connects to the poor in the greater understanding of 'divine logic' where true miracles happen in 'divine science?'
Sixth, see God's light from within and see order in our own body and health as we may proclaim victory and oneness in our faith.
Our own transformation is made through Christ's light, that in our light, and by our light, we are made worthy justified by His 'word,' to share His light to the many.
The light of truth comes images and visions in man, where God creates through instruments of His divine wisdom, and where light creates from the power of the 'word,' where man's creativity emanates.
"Forever, God is Almighty, omniscient, omnipotent and all knowing."
"And Jesus is One with God and His Almighty Spirit."
"As he ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of The Father, what we may hear from the Holy Spirit is 'word' from the mouth of The Father, and the chosen may utter 'words' coming from The Father through the Holy Spirit."
No wonder, the enlightened scribes write from the inspiration of the divine, from The Father through the Holy Spirit, as Jesus has said in Matthew 10:20.
"God knows our hearts, while on our own we pray for what we may need, God has a better answer to our prayers, for God knows best."
Again, rebelling upon The Lord may be unwise, unless we have the fullness of His Spirit where no malice remains in our hearts, then comes the test of our faith, He listens to the faithful who have proven their love for Him, despite the many challenges He may set before us in the many events of our lives, they who loved Him have never faltered nor failed in their love, by their faith, comes to justify sin and darkness in sincere repentance, in the likes of Job, David, Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the beloved, Stephen the first saint, Saint Paul and Saint Peter and more, transforming many in the light of their faith.
All have sinned, yet, transformed to holiness and faithfulness to The Lord, may many more be transformed, as The Father draws us closer to Him through Christ our Lord, in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In Matthew 10:32-33, Jesus said, "Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father."
In God's heavenly Kingdom, nothing accursed, no malice and guilt may bind us in the pureness of our hearts, all these will God 'not allow' in His sacred and holy place, as mentioned before, the twelve gates from the 'new heaven and the new earth' comes the angels guarding each post.
Each one of us must be on guard against the deception of evil as we embrace godly ways filtered by the 'word.'
May the Holy Spirit guide us that the greatest commandments of God be obeyed and by His 'word' we may abide, not two or three 'words' but all the words that come to us as a promise of our salvation.
True freedom in 'spirit and truth' remains in our abiding spirit, where our innermost being tells us to love God with all our strength and to be ever faithful to the end, just as how the apostles have loved Jesus, their Rabbi, Lord and Master, and in the pureness of their hearts, they have loved His wondrous teaching, His eternally true and uplifting 'word'and parables.
They may have been confused many times in understanding His parables and teaching, but by the light of The Holy Spirit, God's divine wisdom has come upon them they being the 'chosen' ones and the elect, to lead them through the Holy Scriptures leading us to 'true freedom' from darkness and sin in the death and resurrection of our beloved Savior, He who has loved all of us and all creation, that by the light of His 'word,' we may see from the truth in our spirit that His love and mercy is eternal and everlasting to the faithful, and the unfaithful, comes a renewed spirit, seeing the 'lighted path' as the way to true salvation, and by the truth in their spirit, being in the lighted path, their 'universal' faith comes to rescue the many to free themselves from the son of destruction.
Judas was tempted by the son of destruction, as we can all be tempted by him as the alien that invades our peace and the serenity of our hearts, but anyone who lives in the light, sees all darkness consumed, that is why, God through Christ, has sealed our fate in true baptism, for baptized Catholics will remain as Catholics, consecrated we are with our Lord Jesus Christ and The Almighty Father, Jesus will continue to seek us as His lost sheep, saved by the groaning of the Spirit in fervent prayer in the intercession of the Advocate, who comes to defend us of our faith.
Whence, comes the gospel writers, so with Saint Peter, Saint Paul and the rest, reminding us of our 'true faith' in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that made in the image and likeness of God, we may see the poor, the sick and the astray to be guided by the light, and we, to abandon darkness in false prophesy and the antichrist.
His 'divine word' completes us in the fullness of Him who gives light to the world, He who lives and dwells from among the faithful, that wickedness in darkness may soon perish in the perfection of His time.
His light tells us not to fear death, for death comes as 'wages of sin.'
However temporal and imperfect 'death' is, His light brings us closer to Him by the power of His 'word,' that the faithful may see death as a stepping stone to 'true life' which remains everlasting, happy, joyful, peaceful and glorious, for who may feel God's glory from within us except the 'true' faithful, who, by the tests of our faith, in the many events and challenges of 'time and space,' we see the greater power of the God's wisdom from the truth in the 'word,' as binding us to Him gives us joy as we rejoice with Him in the fruits of inner peace.
In the confidence of our faith, we may come to realize His 'word' is what condemns evil and darkness in this imperfect world, that with Him, in His guiding hands, we see us protected in the fulfillment of our earthly mission, that more may be saved from hell, from the burning pool of fire an sulfur.
May light of truth come to us to save the many who remains astray, to be molded to be true to their inner being, to live as God's chosen, the consecrated, the 'new Israel,' to be one with the Spirit of God.
In my personal experience, the 'word' has given me my 'true faith,' in many miracles of life God in Christ Jesus has lead me to become a true witness of His love and mercy for us all, where in my love of Him, as I boast of Him and abide by His 'word,' I see His truth in His mercy among the true faithful,
As I remain in Him to stay brave and courageous against all challenges of my faith, guided by His light where even death I may not fear, I see greater order in my life seeing the wisdom of His 'word' comes His lamp stand shining on me coupled with His electrifying embrace giving me confidence in the truth of my faith that I may share His light to others that more may be saved.
"Living for His sake, I find truth in my life."
Seventh, 'laminin,' is the cross from inside of us, the protein molecule that binds all cells and tissues together with the bones, without It, we cannot form one whole body.
From within our body is the cross of Christ that we may need to carry as we journey with The Lord to bear the imperfection and sinfulness of our being.
Without this cross like adhesive, it is but impossible to hold all our body parts together, our bones, cells and tissues.
Does this explain why the cross is every important in our lives, where Christ connects each one of us through the blood that was shed for us on His cross, the sacred blood is the 'promise of the new covenant,' and the body and blood of Him who comes to save us from sin that we may be cleansed of our sinfulness.
We renew in Him, He who remains in us by the power of the Holy Eucharist.
He becomes us, His body and blood in us, and we in Him. We become part of Him as we renew in Him. His righteousness, therefore, becomes our righteousness for we are in Him, He who is in us. We become begotten by God, He who created us, where He, The Father and Christ are One in the Spirit of God.
In 1 John 4:7, Saint John exhorts us in our love of one another:
"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God."
In John 6:54-56, Jesus said:
It is what this temporal life offers, to test us of our faith, carrying His cross is a blessing as He binds us to His very righteousness from within, for the love of Him is greater with His 'word' comes the many promises of our faith, the promise of the new covenant of God, that by His blood we need not fear death, rather, fear the One who gives life to our soul or face suffering and death from our sinful souls in Gehenna when we refuse to submit ourselves to repentance, but those in the light, 'true faith' in The Lord Jesus comes to save them cleansed by His most sacred blood.
As in Matthew 10:28, Jesus said, "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna."
Eighth, the 8 Beatitudes lead us to become 'worthy children of God,' as it brings us back to life and love, the love of God in service to man, being meek and humble in our ways, yet, firm in our faith with God through our beloved Lord and true Messiah, in Christ Jesus.
As Jesus said from among the 8 beatitudes, "Blessed are the pure in hearts for they will see God," in Matthew 5:8.
The purity of our hearts may reveal God through Jesus from within our enlightened souls.
We live and commune with the poor, the sick and the astray, so with the rich, wealthy and the powerful in position and stature, but God through Christ tells us to live a simple life, whatever our status in life may be, rich or poor, we need to connect to the world, that may lead us to the light of the gospel, where true lasting happiness and peace belongs.
In the 'new heaven and the new earth,' where the holy city of Jerusalem lives in our 'hearts of love' and our hearts of gold, where kindness, mercy, charity comes abundant in 'The Banquet of Plenty,' the consecrated comes united with the Holy Spirit and His holy vessels, made one body in the glory of God.
Glorify The Lord as we share the good news, the 'Kingdom of God,' whence we may feel, where Jesus with the Holy Spirit remains in us as the greater power from within, greater than he (devil/alien) who is in the world.
"Once again, may God's 'word' transform us to become true to our being, having been created and made in 'the image and likeness of God.'"
Hallelujah to The Lamb!
To reinforce our knowledge with the 'word,' read and share with others these KJOH ebooks from Amazon/kindle:
1) feel 'God's Kingdom' from within and around you, "Laminin - Binding Truth About the Cross and Creation ...," https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00C48NG5C/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1492108428&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=let%27s+kjoh&dpPl=1&dpID=51K4tVqIZiL&ref=plSrch; read more about health with natural supplements, guidance on the 'word' and entertainment as we celebrate life with our Lord Jesus through this interlinked main website, under the guidance of the hands of God, http://www.guidancehealthentertainment.com/?m=1;
2) feel 'the fullness of Christ' in you, "Jesus is Real - an Attestation of the Truth and Divine Logic, Seeing Jesus in Magnificence."
; read more enlightening blogs from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, on hubpages, http://hubpages.com/@edwinoeltanglao;
3) the 8 Beatitudes spell the promise to the faithful to God's Kingdom, on Matthew 5:1-12, http://www.usccb.org/bible/matthew/5, further explained on 'salvation ebook 2,' on "Jesus is Real ...," above;
All for the love of Jesus, our Lord, Master and Savior,
1) invoke the Holy Spirit and humbly open your hearts to God;
2) surrender sins of pride and sins of omission;
3) be freed from darkness and death, by the mighty 'word' of Christ Jesus, obey the commandments and spread the truth in the gospel; do not let Mammon rule you,
Onto the lighted path, the Catholic 'universal' apostolic Christian faith with cleansing from the true blood of Christ, the Holy Eucharist, the promise of the new covenant of God to Abraham, we as the new creation; 'trust in The Lord' and 'not to worry,' much more with the 'healing herbs' from the 'word,' to help prevent sickness and death, and to heal us in many ways; our fear of death emboldens us to possess the Spirit of Christ from within, in the victory of our faith, we become one with Christ in unity with the Holy Spirit with the vessels of truth, one with holy ones, many have died mortally, happily rejoicing in God's Kingdom, they now live forever with The Lord, sharing with us in our spirit;
4) rebuke all evil with The Lord where nothing accursed may thrive in God's heavenly Temple, the new city of Jerusalem, the holy Temple of God;
5) 'the breaking of the bread' where bountiful miracles of faith come in our love of one another as we bear with one another in each other's imperfection, that with Christ, we come perfected in Him as we live with Him;
6) light of truth, in the pureness of our hearts, God may reveal Himself to us;
7) 'Laminin,' the cross in us we need to carry;
8) 8 Beatitudes, spell God's Kingdom from within and around us.
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